2011 and Some Change

Happy 2011! I could’ve sworn I posted a resolutions list last year that I was going to cleverly go back and critique here, but apparently I didn’t. 2010 was okay. Ups and downs, more ups than previous years.

The downiest downer for me is that it’s getting seriously hard to get around and I’m right at that very awkward line between being able to walk and not. The funny / good thing is that I would’ve said the exact same thing this time last year and probably the year before as well. It’s a sloooow process that’s lasted my entire lifetime. So, I’m slowly trying to convince myself that there is nothing wrong with having a vehicle mode should it become necessary. Actually, I can walk around perfectly fine if I’ve got someone’s shoulder to balance on, but that’s not always practical.

Anyway, I digress big time. My goals in 2011 are to draw more, remain un-depressed, spend less money, socialize more, drink more water, record four digital singles through the year of my “currently-untitled-formerly-Man-Before-Mars-project”, see Lazer play live, visit California, and bang that Chorra chick from TRON. Or Gem. The characters, not the actresses. IT’LL HAPPEN. We’ll check on this list at the end of the year, and I bet you’ll see straight check marks all the way through.

Hope everyone else is having a rockin’ good time and their own happy New Years!

Post Author
80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist


  1. posted by
    Jan 3, 2011

    I haven’t seen Lazer in years. I’d love to go and don’t mind being a human walking stick if you need. Just lemme know. We weirdly have some of the same goals for the year. except the part about the TRON characters.

  2. posted by
    Jan 3, 2011

    As long as people don’t see me leaning on you and think I’m trying to murder you.
    P.S. – Let’s take my windowless white van.

  3. posted by
    Jan 4, 2011

    P.P.S. – You know you want to bang the TRON girls.

  4. posted by
    Jan 13, 2011

    Now that’s a list of resolution I can get behind.

    Bummer about the downy downs but the upshot is, if real life is anything like bad 80’s tv pilots that were never greenlit (and you KNOW it is) soon you’ll be discovered to be uniquely qualified to participate in a top-secret clandestine government experiment to fuse the perfect diabolic mind with the latest cybernetic technology that will transform you into the ultimate weapon for use against rogue nations, but what they won’t expect is for your remaining vestiges of latent humanity to overrule your cold machine heart, turning you into an avenging cyborg hero for the downtrodden and labor tirelessly for freedom and peace throughout the land…

    Or maybe you’ll just bang a couple hawt Tron cosplay girls and call it a year. ;)

    Happy new year bro, here’s to many many more!

  5. posted by
    Jan 15, 2011

    I honestly do expect some kind of bionics that will help me out at some point. I mean, the military has all this super bionic research and suits that lift like 10 tons and stuff. It might be 10-20 years down the line, but I’m patient. It’ll happen eventually. Dean Kamen also has some cool research on cool robot-like wheelchairs that stand upright, so maybe I could eventually become a badass cyborg. I’m hopeful, but realistic. It could just as easily never happen. I’ve always assumed I’ll be a mutant forever. Otherwise, I couldn’t be the Michael Jordan of Cripple Rock.

  6. posted by
    Jan 15, 2011

    That’s my new catchprase as of now.

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