List Friday: E3 2009


I intended for this to go up yesterday, but supersucky sudden migraine kind of derailed that. Better late than never, I suppose. It’s been a pretty rad week of E3 news, and now that it’s over, here are my personal highlights from the show

Top 10 Things I Dug From e3:

  1. Shadow Complex
  2. Totally out-of-left-field debut of this beautiful MetroidVania-style Xbox Live Arcade game from Epic. I’m soooo there.

  3. Alan Wake
  4. I’ve heard the title, but never knew anything about it. Looks like a possible Silent Hill challenger! Demo felt like Silent Hill 2 meets Resident Evil 4. VERY interested.

  5. Metroid: Other M
  6. A new Metroid! For Wii! Produced by TEAM NINJA! HELL YES.

  7. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
  8. FINALLY, the “Shadow Moses” chapter of Metal Gear Solid! I’ve wanted this game since MGS1. Wish it wasn’t PSP/PS2, but still, COOL.

  9. Metal Gear Solid: Rising
  10. MGS goes “Lightning Bolt Action” on the 360, starring Raiden! F the haters, Raiden rules! Even moreso Cyber Ninja Raiden!

  11. Mario Galaxy 2
  12. Looks to be “more of the same”, which in this rare case is totally awesome! Can’t wait!

  13. God Of War III
  14. Holy cow, this game is brutal and about as epic as epic can be. The demo was absolutely jaw-dropping.

  15. Final Fantasy 13
  16. If this game EVER comes out, it might be the greatest thing ever. New trailer & gameplay game me a boner.

  17. Star Wars: The Old Republic
  18. I will probably never play this game (MMO? No thanks), but the trailer alone was one of the greatest Star Wars things ever.

  19. The Last Guardian
  20. Ico / Shadow of the Colossus meets The Neverending Story. INCREDIBLE trailer. Will be following this one big time.

Additional stuff worth mentioning: Uncharted 2 looks incredible, but way too light on the tomb raiding, Bayonetta looks like my kind of game, Modern Warfare 2 will be rad shooty goodness, Dante’s Inferno looks like God Of War 2.0 in a good way, The black Wii looks bad ass, Brutal Legend has awesome rock star voice talent, Mass Effect 2 will be a day-one purchase, Final Fantasy 14 is sadly another MMO, and New Super Mario Bros Wii looks like a blast, but I already played through the DS version like 3 years ago, so we’ll have to see…

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80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist
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