Shipping a Brick


Well, after wondering for a couple of years whether or not I was simply a very lucky Xboxer, my 360 finally got the seemingly-inevitable RED RING OF DEATH. Even better, it’s a mere FOUR MONTHS out of warranty, so I get to pay $100 for repair. Wheeee! Did it really have to happen right after I got Arkham Asylum, though? I didn’t even get past where the demo stops. WHO WILL STOP THE JOKER NOW?!?

R.I.P. My first Xbox 360, 5/6/06-9/1/09

Post Author
80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist


  1. posted by
    Sep 2, 2009

    DANG. I freaking HATE when that happens (as I’ve been through it twice myself). I’m still hanging on with my third one… it has been working pretty good. I need to get back on XBL (I’ve had to take a sabbatical… haha), as I miss it so.

  2. posted by
    Sep 2, 2009

    That sucks man! Do they give you an approx time it takes to fix it?

    I got a loaner xbox360 and am about 3/4 through Arkham Asylum…it’s awesome, I love it.

  3. posted by
    Sep 2, 2009

    So I guess YOU will be the one to stop the Joker, then. Nice. As long as someone’s doing it.

    They say 2-3 weeks. Once the shipping label gets here.

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