May Harm Liver

I have been sick as a dog for well over a week. (maybe even two by now, It’s somewhat of a blur at this point.) It started with a double-migraine blast, transitioning into bad sinus/allergies and taking waaaay too much Benadryl, which apparently pissed off either my stomach or liver, and left me in constant pain. Headache, stomach ache, full-out unable to sleep or really do anything.

While in the midst of scarfing down Benadryl, I also decided it was the right time to quit caffeine, so multiply all of the above by caffeine headache. SMART. Anyway, I’m feeling better now, feeling alive, lesson learned.

Pretty much all I really did for a week (when not escorting the “Browns” to the “Superbowl”) was watch Parks and Recreation from episode one all the way through to the current episode, which was quite entertaining. Fantastic show. Thank you Netflix streaming for being there in my time of need.

As of yesterday, It’s back to the grindstone as I try to catch up with multiple projects that should be way done by now. Yay.

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80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist
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