Friday Ramblin’

I feel totally ripped off by the future. Not only are there no aliens, space colonies or flying cars, but we’re not even supposed to call it “two-thousand and ten”? It’s “twenty-ten”. Well, screw you, TWENTY-TEN, you were much cooler in the 80’s.

It’s freaking COLD outside. This morning it was 16 degrees. 16 degrees! On the upside, the colder it gets, the more snuggly my dog gets.

I really hope this story isn’t true, but it’s also been seemingly corroborated on some legit news sites as well. I will be taking this time to say that Jay Leno hasn’t been funny for 20 years, if ever, and Conan has always been hilarious, clever, and entertaining. NBC giving Conan the shaft pisses me off so much.

They’re making Mass Effect action figures! Rad! Here’s a pic. I think they’re all pretty nice, with the exception of Shepherd (my Shepherd was a chick, but I also think his face sculpt is a little goofy regardless.) I fully expect a female Shepherd in a “series 2” at some point, as well as Wrex and some of the folks from the first game.

I started and finished (it’s short) Silent Hill: Shattered Memories this week. As a pretty huge Silent Hill fan, I had a very strong love/hate thing with it throughout. Knowing what I know now, a second run through I would probably enjoy more than the first, but I really have no desire to play through it again anytime soon. It had a great atmosphere, many boring sections, some really cool use of the wiimote throughout, several EXTREMELY frustrating sections, and a pretty epic plot twist. The good aspects were great, but the bad ones were just… very bad. I guess you could say it’s intriguing as a Silent Hill game, but bad as a game in general.

In my continuing utilization of a $400 game system to play old-and-busted games with eye-gougingly horrible graphics and ancient gameplay, over the holidays I finished run-throughs of Resident Evils 2 and 3, and Dino Crisis. RE 2 and 3 are always fun. Dino Crisis, which I had never played before, was fairly unenjoyable. Luckily, it was also short. Now I’ve moved on to Tomb Raider. Last night I took down a giant T-Rex made up of approximately three polygons.

Masters of the Universe gallery exhibit! Sweet! Wish I could afford some of this stuff!

Something, Something, Something Darkside I finally picked up thanks to a gift card, and it’s everything I wanted it to be (except maybe longer.) My favorite part was probably Jon Benjamin as Yoda: “Who are you?”… “I’m not Yoda… Okay, I’m Yoda.” Cracked me up big time. The whole thing was great. I also got a killer lunchbox! (While I’m thinking about it, anyone want a free Boba Fett Chicken shirt in XL? Free shirts are never a small or medium…)

Does anyone else watch Hoarders? It’s the best show on TV. Watch lazy-ass people drowning in their own garbage (and sometimes feces) until a court orders them to have other people clean it up for them because they are too lazy or crazy to do it themselves. Can you tell I watch this show in anger? I just don’t get these people, but I am SO fascinated by it. Hoarders. A&E. Watch. How many dead cats will they find this week? It’s usually on after Intervention, another favorite.

Fortune smiled upon me, and I now possess one of Dan Aykroyd’s fabled and mysterious Crystal Skulls… I’m still searching for something worthy and magical enough to store inside it… Currently: jellybeans. Any ideas?

Post Author
80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist


  1. posted by
    Jan 8, 2010

    If you haven’t yet given away the t-shirt, I’d gladly take it off your hands. :)

  2. posted by
    Jan 9, 2010

    E-mail me your address and I’ll send it to you as soon as I pick up some more bubble mailers!

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