Titled “Crew of the USCCSS Nostromo,” this four-pack of Minimates mini-figures includes the Nostromo’s captain, Dallas; ship’s navigator Lambert; and engineer Brett in their on-ship looks, as well as a new Xenomorph figure with a glossy black paint scheme. Called the “Big Chap” on set, this alien has a clear dome over his painted skull details. Each 2-inch Minimates mini-figure features 14 points of articulation as well as fully interchangeable parts and accessories, including an alien egg, a chestburster alien, a facehugger and a flamethrower, all packaged on a full-color blister card.
This Alien set joins the previously released Alien 35th Anniversary box set, with Ripley, Kane, Parker and a matte version of the Big Chap, and will be followed by Aliens Minimates Two-Packs Series 3, which will add the 1979’s film’s distinctive space suits and the ship’s synthetic human Ash to the line-up. Offerings based on the 1986 sequel Aliens include Aliens Two-Packs Series 1 and 2, Aliens Single Packs Series 1, and Aliens Deluxe Minimates Series 1, with the Power Loader and Alien Queen.
Sweet! I’ve been anxiously awaiting more of the crew! Pre-ordered!