Shattered Dreams


A new Silent Hill game has recently been announced, for the Wii of all things. Silent Hill: Shattered Dreams. As much as I wish it was going to a more graphically-capable platform, I do like a lot of the concepts and ideas they are throwing around in regards to the gameplay. Sounds like it could be really cool, but also could go very wrong if not implemented precisely. I’m there, regardless. Between this, Punch-Out!, MadWorld and Dead Space, things are looking up for me and my Wii. (Pun intended?)

Here’s a bunch of scans and info (including a great Akira Yamaoka interview.)

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80's Enthusiast, Pop Musicker, Fan of Metal, Graphic Designer, Songwriter, Bassist, Cartoon Watcher, Professional Migrainer, Toy Collector, Pragmatist


1 Comment
  1. posted by
    Apr 7, 2009

    That looks interesting. I’m actually pretty stoked about a Wii Dead Space game. Even though it won’t be as gorgeous as the 360 version (or the PS3, but never played that one), it should be interesting enough.

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